Company Name

Viernau International Realty, Ltd.

Registered OIffice

Highway NA138, km20.5, Artkintoa, Edificio 2, CP 31639, Quinto Real, Navarra, Spain

Contact Information

Company Identification Number

EUID: ES31015.000892113

Number of VAT


Regulatory Authority

Company registered in the Commercial Registry of Navarra: Sheet NA-42190 Volume 2107 Folio 205

Legal Activity

1.- Real estate activity in its broadest, technical and practical meaning.

2.- The establishment and operation of art galleries and museums.

3.- The management of historical places and buildings.

4.- The realization and management of recreational and entertainment activities.

5.- The realization and management of creative, artistic activities and shows.

6.- The acquisition, possession, enjoyment, administration and disposal of securities, corporate participations and other financial assets on their own account, without exercising intermediation, excluding any activity subject to the legislation of Collective Investment Institutions and Stock Markets.

CNAE of The Main Activity

4110 - Real Estate Developer

68.31 - Real Estate Agents.


©Viernau International Realty LTD. EUID: ES31015.000892113 CIF: ESB71482194 Company registered in the Mercantile Registry of Navarra (Spain) Sheet NA-42190 Volume 2107 Folio 205, Viennau International Realty is a registered trademark in the EU.

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